Yes, I know I haven't written since April...where does the time go? Be prepared for a long but fun post. Gabrielle graduated high school and is getting ready to leave for college in a few weeks -- Wahhhhhaaaaa! Thankfully, we had a great family trip before she heads out. I'm not sure I'm ready but thankful I have some amazing projects to keep me busy.
As you saw from the last post, it was an honor to be a part of the TruexCullins design team for the MOTEL MAKEOVER in Jackson Hole, Wyoming and their website is live. Check it out... Mountain Modern Motel. The MARINA store remodel at Gaines Marina, in New York is also finished! Visit their facebook page for all the fun things they do.
I love that Motels are making a come-back. Bringing these oldies but goodies back to life is one of my favorite things to do. I'm currently mid-way through a ROADSIDE MOTEL renovation in Okemo, Vermont. Stay tuned.
Looking for a VACATION RENTAL in Lake Fairlee, Vermont? You will love the new kitchen design and the fabulous birch tree wall in the bedroom (already a huge hit on Instagram). We are just days away from the completion of the remodel. I'll post the rental link when it's up!
The remodel makeover continues at BASIN HARBOR CLUB with more updated cottages to dream away in and the BOAT CLUB BATHROOMS were fun to design. Check out the renovated LODGE ROOMS, LOBBY and CLUB much to see and do at BASIN HARBOR CLUB .
STYLING WORK for Gardener's Supply Company, Eating Well Magazine, and Verilux Lights has continued to inspire me...check out the pictures below.
Next...I'm about to dive into a VACATION HOME renovation (barn converted into home), cool designs have begun for a TAP ROOM for one of your favorite Vermont specialty beer companies, early-phase of design connecting for a complete makeover for an INN in Maine, and beginning a RESTAURANT project for an incredible chef! Don't forget to come and visit me at my upcoming DIY and Design PRESENTATION for the next COUNTRY LIVING MAGAZINE FAIRS (September in Ohio).
PHEW...this should keep me from crying in my soup when Gabrielle packs her bags for college. Who am I kidding? I'm going to bawl like a baby.
But enough words -- here are a few fun iPhone pics. (Professional shots coming soon).
One of the guest bedrooms in the vacation rental on the lake -- keeping the costs down with some really simple -- yet bold -- decorating ideas -- including a photo wall mural of birch trees! More to come on this as well.
This vacation rental redo will be really fun to tell you about soon! Almost done.
With all the rain this summer, my peonies were amazing!
The DIY's at the Country Living Fairs sponsored by Jo-Ann's Fabrics have been a huge success. I'm doing two more at the fair in Columbus in Septemeber.
We were able to get away on a family vacation and we sailed the Greek Islands on the Sea Cloud -- trip of a lifetime!
I know, you guys rarely get to see my guy. Here we are in Santorini! :)
Close Up Details of the Updated Historic Lodge Rooms at Basin Harbor Club. Again, apologize for the bad IPHONE pictures -- better pictures to come.
The renovated lobby, including the new art gallery wall!
The new boat club at Basin Harbor, including a large dock for 60 boats, has its very own bathrooms with showers and a lounge room. LOVED doing these spaces!
Cringing at my bad info pic -- but you get the "picture". The new boat house bathrooms for the docks on Lake Champlain!
Gaines Marina Store in Rouses Point, New York, is just about done in this picture. Needs a little styling touch -- which will come soon in another post with an awesome before and after of this dock side marina and boat store!