Yes… I mostly design large scale hospitality projects, like restaurants, motels, inns, vacation rentals and bar projects… BUT I also like to do smaller (instant gratification) DIY crafts as well. :) It‘s fun, easy and relaxing for me. This weekend, sit down with the kids (or your gal pals) and make some easy crafts — that would make for some AMAZING VALENTINE presents. Hint…Hint…
Most of these DIY CRAFTS you can make from stuff you’ll find around the house — even better! A few of these projects I made for DIY NETWORK…so you can link through. Others… I just made because I’m addicted to making things…
Happy Valentine’s Day to you!
XOXO Joanne
Hanging Fabric and Ribbon Bohemian Stars. Cardboard, Scissors, Scraps of Ribbon and Fabrics. You can make lots of shapes…Hearts, Crescent Moons, Fish… HOW TO DIY NETWORK
Memory box made from a cardboard perfume or chocolate box. Add shells, costume jewelry, whatever makes you happy in how you want to decorate your memory box. Don’t forget the LOVE NOTE that goes inside before you give it as a gift.
An old tire rim, some ribbons, Grandma’s dollies, and some yarn and you can hang these beauties above any bed.
Hardware store magnets, hot glue gun, some fabric, old earrings and maybe a rock or two and you have instant refrig dramatic presence.
Mix a second hand store lamp with some colorful pom poms— and voilia! Instant happy lamp for the kids room!
Keep those color pencils upright — with a slice of a log, and a few holes. A drill and a wide drill bit…perfect time to teach the kids how to use power tools :) DIY NETWORK
Don’t throw away that moth eaten sweater. Create plant cozies… Hand stitch on some hearts or words and these make the perfect Valentine’s Day gift. HOW TO HERE
Simple! Left over yarn and a glue gun and a really cool stick or two. Do a little at a time and take these times for catching up. DIY from my second book, Salvage Secrets Design and Decor
Rainy day fun! Simply cover a piece of cardboard with fabric, paint some clothes line clips and add your favorite pictures — hang anywhere. HOW TO HERE: DIY NETWORK
The Hearts Have It. Making crafts makes me my heart happy and when I can bring in my friends or family to join me — it grows three sizes :) This driftwood heart — is so easy to make — a piece of stiff cardboard with pieces of driftwood hot glued to it.
Have fun collecting, making and displaying.
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