I find myself still in awe of this amazing project and the owners of Lawson’s Finest Liquids, Karen and Sean Lawson. It was hands-on from start to finish and I enjoyed every moment of it. The architect, Austin Designs, created this incredible timber frame design, that Mad River Post and Beam built, that I planned the interior design from… the layout of the bar, bathrooms, seating and retail store. Working hand and hand with Karen and Sean, Austin Design and Ruggco Builders, together we created a warm and inviting welcoming environment for guests to enjoy their craft beers.
Everything from paint colors, to types of wainscoting, to finishes, fixtures, seating, custom lighting and more…there were hundreds decisions to make. Being able to incorporate numerous local sources and artisans was extra special. Warren Pieces for the custom wood furniture and bar, Conant Metal and Light for the two custom light fixtures, Simon Pearce for the hand blown glass (which Karen and Sean got to blow themselves), Erin Bundock for the commissioned artwork piece, Sparky Potter Design Group for all the signage and painted sun on the retail doors, Vermont Verde for the incredible slab stone pieces, Vermont Slate for the retail store and entrance flooring, along the bar wall and railing and Select Design for the branding pieces. There were many more local companies we worked with and we appreciated their skill and talent.
Karen and Sean started Lawson’s Finest Liquids in 2008, and Sean has been brewing for over 25 years which he began in college at UVM! Their beers are highly rated in the national craft beer scene. They are best known for their luplin-laden India Pale-Ale, Sip of Sunshine.
THIS IS AWSOME… No tip policy - Lawson’s Finest Liquids has chosen to pay their staff generous living wages with full benefits. There is no tip obligation when guests come to the taproom. However, if guests choose to leave a gratuity, 100% will be donated to local charitable endeavors. Since they have opened their charitable program has donated to Mad River Valley Food Shelf, Mad River Valley Community Fund, Mad River Valley Seniors/Meals on Wheels, Mad River Valley Ambulance Service, Green Mountain Club and the current organization is the Washington County Mental Health Services. To finish out the month of January all proceeds will go to VT Adaptive Ski and Sports. Since October 2018, the Lawson’s Finest guest charitable program has donated over $84,000! Kudos to you guys!
So happy that Karen and Sean were not only a joy to work with, but very open to my creative ideas — including the light fixtures and sunshine retail counter!
Creating unique seating spaces throughout the taproom was a little challenging, because not only did I have to think about maximum capacity, but flow for seating and ordering (for a very busy space) and having seating for groups and individuals alike. Between the bar seats, the chairs by the fireplace (near the kid’s play area), the 4 top tables by the windows, and the higher two-tops by the bar and the beer hall picnic tables and the bar rails…I’m hoping we have it covered.
The Contant Metal and Light and Simon Pierce Glass custom light fixture is one of the WOW factors in the space.
Cheers Folks! To another fun project completed. Now time for that beer!
All Photos by the Talented Alana Cushman, Marketing Coordinator at Lawson’s Finest Liquids.